Monday, January 5, 2015

New Calendar Page

As everybody who works with bands likely knows at this point, shows are constantly being scheduled and rescheduled, delayed and cut out entirely. We'd originally planned to just post a list of shows every month, but considering how many shows get added or removed at zero hour, we've decided that an easier solution would be to have a calendar page.

This page contains a Google calendar that we update and maintain as we get details about new shows or album releases, which is a lot easier to manage than constantly updating the same blog post over and over. In addition, as it's a Google calendar, if you have your own Google Apps account you're able to copy specific events to your own calendar or even sync our entire calendar to yours.

The calendar format is also much more intuitive and makes it easier for you to find shows on specific dates. To get more information on any given show listed, you can just click on the link on that date and it will create a small popup with further information including location, local bands playing, age limits, cover/ticket price, etc. We also include a link to a Facebook event, if applicable.

Of course, if you're in a band and don't see your show or album release listed, just drop us an email or Facebook message—we'll post it ASAP.

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