For general purposes (questions, comments, suggestions, etc.) you can send us a private message on Facebook or Instagram, or you can send us an email at this address: maconmetal AT maconmetalzine DOT com. This is the fastest way to get in contact with us when you don't know who exactly to contact, as in the case of interview requests or press releases.
If you have an album that you'd like us to review, that's Wülf's department. You can still contact us in any of the ways mentioned previously, but you'd be better off sending a link to a place he can stream/download the album (or buy hard copies—we actually like buying hard copies better than free streaming). Wülf can be contacted through his own email address: wulf AT maconmetalzine DOT com. Be warned, he's not guaranteeing a good review on anything. He knows what he likes, and if he doesn't like it, he'll say so.
If you have your own zine or some other independent work of writing you'd like us to review, contact Ram. Again, you could send us a message on the first mentioned places, but it's faster to email the correct person directly. Similarly, if you'd like to place an ad in Macon Metal zine (NOT the website, the zine itself) or if you'd like to buy zines wholesale for distribution, Ram can help you. She can be contacted here: ram AT maconmetalzine DOT com.
Reminder: Macon Metal, while altogether enjoyable for the pair of us, is a hobby, not a career or lifestyle. We both have day jobs (Ram has two, actually, plus full-time college classes) and it isn't unusual for a few days to pass before a message gets answered. We try to answer things in a more timely fashion than that, but hey—sometimes life gets in the way. Be patient with us.